ABLE B2 Test Administration

The examination is administered twice a year, in test centers in Europe and the United States of America.

Candidate registration

Candidates register through local authorized exam centers. Application forms may be submitted either online, by post, or in person, in accordance with the procedures and deadlines set by Hellenic American University and the local authorized exam centers. Local exam centers are responsible for informing registered candidates of exams regulations set by Hellenic American University.

Test Security

All Hellenic American University tests are standardized and secure. All procedures are closely monitored by Hellenic American University staff or representatives and quality control checks may take place unannounced.

Standardized Testing Conditions

The uniformity of all examination procedures ensures fairness to the candidates. Instructions and guidelines must be followed accurately by all parties involved in the administration of the examinations.

All candidates are treated equally, and all members of the examination staff are patient and prompt, alert and attentive during all phases of the test administration.

Secure Testing Conditions

Instructions, manuals, announcements and guidelines developed by Hellenic American University are secure and protected by international copyright laws. All parties involved in the administration process of the examinations (examiners, proctors, exam center coordinators) acknowledge that all the examinations developed by Hellenic American University are secure tests. All test center staff involved in the administration of the tests have to sign the confidentiality agreement and accept all legal responsibilities deriving from that agreement.

Exam Center personnel and/or candidates engaged in inappropriate conduct with respect to administering and/or taking the Hellenic American University examinations may be subject to disciplinary actions.

A candidate’s score may be invalidated under the following circumstances:

  • The candidate’s appearance or signature does not match that on their identification
  • There is evidence of misconduct on the part of the candidate during the administration of the ABLE B2 examinations. This includes, but is not limited to, copying answers from other candidates, talking to other candidates, referring to previously prepared notes or materials, removing examination material from the examination center, and creating a disturbance.
Non-standard Test Accommodations

Hellenic American University is committed to ensuring that candidates for the Assessment Board for Language Examinations: Level B2 (ABLE B2) have a fair opportunity to demonstrate their language ability under reasonable and appropriate test conditions.

For this reason, candidates with documented physical, emotional or psychological disabilities or attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder may request non-standard testing accommodations, provided that these accommodations do not affect the accuracy of the measure used for the skill that is being tested.

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