Associate of Science in General Engineering



Major Required: 10 Courses (35 credits – 70 ECTS)

Apart from the General Education and Free Elective requirements, the ASGE curriculum comprises 2 General Engineering courses, 1 Civil Engineering course, 3 Electrical Engineering courses, 2 Computer Engineering courses and 1 Chemical Engineering course. In addition students must choose 1 of the Elective Engineering courses.


General Engineering Courses
Includes an overview of the problems, perspectives, and methods of the engineering profession. Modelling of real-world problems for purposes of optimization, decision-making and design are analyzed. Practical techniques of problem formulation and analysis are also presented. Additionally, practice drawings are explained, and assigned drawings are completed by students both during lab periods and outside of class. Prerequisite(s): None Credits: 4
Focuses on the behavior of mechanical and structural systems under load. Topics include effects and distribution of forces on rigid bodies at rest; kinematics and kinetics of particles; force systems; shear and moment diagrams; force-stress-strain-deformation relationships, including torsion and combined loading; buckling and stability analysis; and, stress/strain transformation. Prerequisite(s): PH100 Credits: 3


Civil Engineering Course
An introduction to civil engineering design. Analyze needs, determine capacities and develop design alternatives for civil engineering systems. Structures, water and wastewater facilities, geotechnical and transportation systems are studied. Prerequisite(s): GEN100 Credits: 3


Electrical Engineering Courses
The course covers the following topics: a) Electrical Quantities and Circuit Variables (charge, current, voltage, resistance, power and energy units), b) Circuit Modelling (sources, circuit elements, Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws, c) Circuit Reduction Techniques (series, parallel, voltage divider, current divider, delta-star conversion, voltage and current source conversions), d) Circuit Analysis Techniques (mesh and loop current analysis, node voltage analysis), e) Circuit Theorems (maximum power transfer, superposition, Thevenin and Norton), f) Energy Storage Circuit Elements, g) Complex Number Theory (complex plane, polar forms, conversions), h) AC Circuits (sinusoidal waveforms, phase, R.M.S. average values, phasors, analysis using node voltages, loop currents and branch currents). Prerequisite(s): None Credits: 4
Topics to be covered in this course include Logic gates and Boolean Algebra, Combinational Logic, Arithmetic Circuits and common MSI Logic Circuits, Latches, Flip-flops, Registers and Counters, NMOS and CMOS based Logic Gates. The course also includes lab hours with examples based on Digital systems design using Matlab SW. Prerequisite(s): MATH150 Credits: 4
Provides an introduction to active electronic devices and focuses on the design of analog electronic circuits. More specifically, course subjects include introductory semiconductor physics, p-n junctions, bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), field effect transistors (FETs), basic circuits and applications using transistors (differential amplifiers, digital logic, etc.), Laplace techniques for filter specification, amplification and filtering via linear operational amplifiers (op-amp) circuits. Prerequisite(s): EL100 Credits: 4


Computer Engineering Courses
Introduces programming using an object-oriented language. The course emphasizes problem solving and structured programming. Students completing the course should be able to: setup and use a visual software development environment; analyze and explain the behavior of simple programs involving the fundamental programming constructs covered by this unit; and modify and expand short programs that use standard conditional and iterative control structures and functions. Students design, implement, test, and debug a program that uses each of the following fundamental programming constructs: basic computation, simple I/O, standard conditional and iterative structures, and the definition of functions and write simple applications. Prerequisites: None. Credits: 3
Covers the systems development life cycle. The course examines the requirements and tools for collecting and structuring data, process modeling and data modeling, interface design and data management. Students acquire skills in using tools and techniques such as interviewing, producing use cases, prototyping and generating UML diagrams. The course provides hands-on experience in designing a system following the 3-tier architecture (presentation, middleware, data storage). Prerequisites: IT150, IT200. Credits: 3


Chemical Engineering Course
Brief review of fundamentals including stoichiometry, atomic structure, and chemical bonding. Other topics include thermo chemistry, gas laws, properties of solution, and inorganic coordination compounds. Intended primarily for science/engineering majors. Pre-requisites: None. Credits: 4


Major Electives: Select 1 course (3 credits – 6 ECTS)

ASGE students will select 1 course from the following list:

Introduction to Materials: review of physical concepts; structure of materials and influence on properties, relative costs of materials; information sources for properties and size standardization. Mechanics of Materials: review of terminology and concepts; stress, strain, elasticity, yield and strength; ultimate stress; Hooke’s Law, Young’s Modulus, Poisson’s Ratio; tension, compression, shear; thermal stress; strain energy; torsion in shafts; deflection of beams; shear, bending moment; stress. Friction and failure of materials. Prerequisite(s): None Credits: 3
Focuses on fundamental topics of physical chemistry including the properties of gases, liquids, solids and solutions, thermochemistry and thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, reaction rates, conductance and electromotive force. Prerequisite(s): CH100 Credits: 3
Introduction to the legal, architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical aspects of building construction. Principles of drawing and specification preparation and cost estimating. Prerequisite(s): GEN100, CIV100 Credits: 3

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