Social Sciences

The research activity of the School of Social Sciences spans a broad range of topics that focus on overall well-being of individuals and groups of individuals; socially, emotionally, cognitively and physically across diverse cultural backgrounds.

Research Topics

Social and Emotional Competencies and Academic Success, EQ& IQ, Holistic Well-Being in Learning Environments, Virtual Learning, Diversity of Culture, Music Therapy and Refugee Children and Adolescents in Greece, Political Psychology, Relationship of Personality Characteristics, Social Attitudes, Health Literacy, Healthy Psychology, Community Psychology, Applied Linguistics, Volunteerism, General Public Health, Health Information, Graffiti Writing, Dynamics of Psychotherapy, Forensic Psychology and the Covid-19 Pandemic.


Lindy S. McMullin

Lindy McMullin photoLindy holds a BA in Criminology & Education, a Post Graduate Certificate in Western Esotericism, a Master of Science in Transpersonal Psychology and Consciousness Studies and a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology. She also holds Diplomas in Mindfulness, Regression Therapy, Biotherapy, Stress Management and is a European certified Transpersonal Psychotherapist. Lindy began her research primarily with the study of children suffering from mental and physical challenges in South Africa, carrying this through into researching learning challenges when she moved to Greece. She began to avidly explore the psyche through Depth Psychology and Neuroscience, with her research extending into developing techniques through the role of Myth and Archetypes in personal, professional and transpersonal development. Her Ph.D. research has been published by Cambridge Scholars under the title Therapeutic Keys to Self-Actualization in Homer’s Demeter. Her current research interests involve transgenerational wounding and the role that Integrative Psychology plays in the healing of trauma. Lindy is an Associate Professor, Supervisor and Director of the Hellenic American University Psychology Department.

Maria Agorastou

Maria AgorastouMaria Agorastou holds a Master’s degree in Social Work and a Ph.D. in Education from the University of New Hampshire and is a certified applied behavior analyst. She has extensive experience working in public schools in New Hampshire in applied research projects on inclusion, school climate and drop-out prevention, Response to Intervention (RTI), cognitive behavioral and existential therapy, as well as mindfulness and anxiety disorders. She is currently an advisor to the Network of Special Schools and a regular guest lecturer at schools and municipalities across Greece on the topics of behavioral analysis, inclusion, and teacher training. She is an adjunct faculty member for Hellenic American University’s undergraduate and graduate psychology programs, teaching courses in cognitive behavioral therapy, educational psychology, learning and behavior as well as clinical and developmental linguistics and disability and inclusion in the MAAL and BAELL programs. She also serves as a clinical supervisor to graduate students. Currently, she is the Coordinator of Counseling Center.

Eri Ioannidou

Erato-Maria Ioannidou (Eri) is a forensic psychologist with a degree from the Psychology Department of the University of Crete and an M.Sc. in Forensic Psychology from Maastricht University. She is also a life coach with a diploma in Life Coaching from the Athens Coaching Institute. Ms. Ioannidou has conducted research on issues related to correctional officers’ stress, on students’ attitudes and perceptions towards corruption and on psychopathy. Her latest main research interest has been police officers’ mental resilience. Her research has been conducted in collaboration with University departments, the Ministry of Justice as well as the Centre for Penal and Criminological Research. She has contributed to the creation of the first Hellenic Criminology dictionary and has also published several chapters in collective volumes. She has worked at the General Clinic “Asklipios” in Rethymno, the Special Detention Juvenile Center of Avlona, the Greek Official Centre for Resettlement of Ex-prisoners “Epanodos” and the Cyber Crime Division of the Hellenic Police. She also collaborates with the Center of Research on Crime. Her main work duties have included counseling of socially vulnerable groups, supervision of educational programs for underage and adult offenders, risk and recidivism assessment, prejudicial preparation of minors who have been victims of sexual abuse (domestic or not) and assessment of a minor’s competence to testify. Ms. Ioannidou is an adjunct faculty member of the BSPSY Program at the Hellenic American University.

Barbara Kondilis

Barbara Kondilis began her professional career working in the mental health field in the mid 1990’s with individuals, groups, and families, and is a clinical social worker licensed in Massachusetts, USA. Her background allowed her to work in settings such as hospitals, schools, health clinics, a health maintenance organization and US federal and state institutions in the areas of public health, mental health, research, and education/training. As a public health professional, she worked for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, coordinated a state-wide diabetes quality improvement initiative for the State of Rhode Island, and spearheaded several health communication initiatives. Additionally, she served as the Coordinator of the Career Office while at the Boston University School of Social Work, and the Coordinator of Student Affairs for over six years at Hellenic American College. Her professional interests include health education, communication, quality improvement, community and individual empowerment, policy, diversity awareness, financial psychology, volunteerism and non-governmental organization management. She has collaborated and co-authored several research articles, was a recipient of an EU Marie Curie Reintegration Grant, and member of a European team for the Health Literacy Survey (HLS-EU) project which received the 2012 European Health Award from the European Health Forum Gastein. Ms. Kondilis is currently completing her Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics, and already holds a Master’s of Public Health and a Master’s of Social Work from Boston University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts. Ms. Kondilis is an adjunct faculty member for the BSPSY Program at the Hellenic American University.

George Lagios

George LagiosDr. George Lagios holds a Master’s degree (MSc) in Mental Health Counseling from Hellenic American University (Athens campus). In 2022 he got his PhD in Sexology from the International Umiversity of Bircham and has certifications with honors in Sex Addictions, Sexual Abuse and in Psychosexual Therapy. George is the author of two Best Sellers: Would you choose yourself as your parent?, published in 2019 and Inside Your Mind”, which was published in 2021. He frequently writes on psychological topics which are published in the press and on the internet, and he has been given the “Academic Achievement Award” (2020) from Hellenic American University. He is also a public speaker and organizes webinars on topics such as parental responsibility, financial stress, the importance of sharing, and sex disorders. He is currently in private practice, working psychotherapeutically with adults. He also as an active humanitarian action as the ex-president and co-founder of “”, as a scientific associate of “Diadrasis”, and as an advocate for gender equality, as well as for the prevention and management of violence against women.

Anna Nikolaou

Anna Nikolaou is a sociologist with extensive research experience. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and an M.A. in Sociological Research from the University of Essex and a B.A. in Sociology from the American College of Greece. Her research interests include cross-border social, economic and cultural relationships, collective memory and identity, political violence and cultural trauma. She has worked as a Research Assistant and Junior Researcher at the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) in Athens. As an external collaborator of the National Centre for Social Research and other academic institutions, she has participated in several research projects addressing diverse sociological topics and theories, produced and published research. She has a keen interest in sociological research and methodology. A significant part of her research has dealt with the methodological deficiencies in measuring child poverty. Dr. Nikolaou is an adjunct faculty member and teaches for the BSPSY and MSPSY Programs at the Hellenic American University.

Publications (from 2015)


Book Publications

Papanikolopoulos, P., Foundoulakis, E., Prattou, T. (2022) "Pandemic times and the experience of online EMDR Practice in Greece: A qualitative study on obstacles and perspectives" Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, Currently in publication for 2022.

Book Publications

Sax, A., (2021-invited chapter) "Adolescent Development;Taking a Closer Look at the Brain and Virtual Educational Learning Experiences. In M.D., Avgerinou, & P. Pelonis (Eds.), K-12 blended and virtual learning through the i2 Flex classroom model. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Book publications

Lagios, G. (2020). Μέσα στο μυαλό σου. Athens, Greece: George Lagios, Ekdotiki.

Book publications

Bouradas, D., & Protopapa, S. (2019). Leadership for Children: A guide for parents and teachers on how to develop children’s characteristics and competences. Athens: Psychogios Publications.
Kondilis, B. (2019). A Life-span Perspective on Health Literacy: Aging and End-of-Life Issues. In: Okan, O., Bauer, U., Levin-Zamir, D., Pinheiro, P., Sørensen, K. (Εds.) International Handbook of Health Literacy. Research, Practice and Policy Across the Lifespan. Bristol: The Policy Press, University of Bristol, U.K.
Lagios, G. (2019). Εσύ θα σε επέλεγες για γονιό σου; Athens, Greece: Kapa Ekdotiki.

Book publications

Zarcadoulas. C., Kondilis, B. (2018). Health Literacy in Non-Communicable Diseases: Contexts and Cases. In Optimizing Health Literacy for Improved Clinical Practice. (Eds.) Papalois, Vassilios E. & Theodosopoulou, Maria. Hershey PA: IGI Global.

Journal publications

Farrell, D. and Papanikolopoulos P. EMDR Training Manual (Greek Version) Part I (2018) (ISBN:978-618-84268-0-1), Part II (2019) (ISBN: 978-618-84268-1-8) TACT HELLAS publication.

Conference proceedings

Kondilis, B., Nikolaou, A., & Kakampakou, C., Viewpoints of Vandalistic Style Graffiti in Crisis-Ridden Athens: Implications for European Reform for the “Europe in Discourse: Agendas of Reform” 2nd International Conference, Hellenic American College, Athens, Greece. September 21-23, 2018.

Journal publications

Papanikolopoulos, P., Konstas, D., Prattou-Spongalides, T., Kolaitis, G., Belivanaki, M. (2017) Kronus Abuses his son: A Case Study of Severe Interpersonal Trauma, Dissociation and Survival in Adolescence. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, Volume 11, Number 4.
Sax, A., Gialamas, S. Leadership in Academic Institutions; Preparing Students Holistically for Life: Matters of the Heart and Mind, International Journal of Progressive Education. Vol. 13(3), 2017, pp. 71-78. MID: ijpe.2017.028.

Conference proceedings

Kondilis, B., Student Discourses of Civic Engagement and Global Citizenship in a Time of Crisis in Greece. Short paper for "Europe in Discourse: Identity, Diversity, Borders" 1st International Conference, Hellenic American College, Athens, Greece, September 23-25, 2016.

Book publications

Protopapa, S. (2016). Eudaimonia as a way of life: A Conversation with Aristotle inspired by the Nicomachean Ethics. Athens: Self-publication.
Sax, A., (2016-invited chapter). The effects of i2 Flex learning on students’ holistic well-being and academic success. In M.D., Avgerinou, & S. Gialamas (Eds.), Revolutionizing K-12 blended learning through the i2 Flex classroom model. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Journal publications

Sools, A., Triliva, S., Fragkiadaki, E., & Tzanakis, M. (2016) “Responding to the Double Bind Posed by the Greek Referendum: Letters from the Future”, Paper presented at Conference Narrative Matters, Victoria, Canada, June 2016.

Conference proceedings

Kondilis, B. (2016). Student Discourses of Civic Engagement and Global Citizenship in a Time of Crisis in Greece. For "Europe in Discourse: Identity, Diversity, Borders" 1st International Conference, Hellenic American College, Athens, Greece (September 23-25, 2016).

Book publications

Geronymaki, E., & Protopapa, S. (2015). Guide for Mentors. Mentoring programme of the University of Ioannina. Ioannina: University of Ioannina publications.
Protopapa, S., & McGuire, C. (2015). Emotional prosperity, emotional bankruptcy: An Inside- Out Approach. Athens: Plethora publications.

Journal publications

Birbil, C., Koustopoulos, T., Makropoulos, C., Sax, A., Gialamas, S., & Koustopoulos, K. Dogs in Learning: Transforming Education, International Journal of Elementary Education. Vol. 4, No. 2, 2015, pp. 16-24. doi: 10.11648/j.ijeedu.20150402.11.
Sørensen K., Pelikan, J., Röthlin, F., Ganahl, K., Slonska, Z., Doyle, G., Fullam, J., Agrafiotis, D., Kondilis, B., Uiters, E., Falcon, M., Tchamov, K., Van den Broucke, S., and Brand, H. on behalf of the HLS-EU Consortium. (2015) Health literacy in Europe: comparative results of the European health literacy survey (HLS-EU), European Journal of Public Health, 25(6), 1053-1058.
Gialamas, S., Sax, A. Utilizing Mathematical Thinking in Addressing Primary Students’ Adjustment to a New School Environment at an International School, International Journal of Elementary Education. Vol. 4, No. 3, 2015, pp. 56-64. doi: 10.11648/j.ijeedu.20150403.13.
Kolaitis, G., Triantafyllou, K., Giannakopoulos, G., Papanikolopoulos, P., Lazaratou, H. and Tsiantis, J. (2015) Psychosocial impact in earthquake exposed Greek pupils and their parents. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 24 (Suppl.1):211 · June.

Conference proceedings

Sax, A., Proceedings of the International Conference of Open and Distance Learning, sponsored by the Hellenic Open University, Athens, Greece, Fall of 2015.
Nikolaou, A. (2015) Memory and Identity in Epirus: ethnocultural affiliations and relationships under reconstruction on the Greek/Albanian border. 1st International Conference on “Europe in Discourse: Identity, Diversity, Borders,” Athens, Greece (September 23-25, 2016).
Konstas, D., & Stathopoulou, S. (2015). Self-Injurious Behavior and (Versus) Suicide Amongst Adolescence With Eating Disorders. The 8th State of the Art Adolescent Medicine Course, Hellenic American College, Athens, Greece (Summer, 2015).

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