Hellenic American University Alumni
Alumni are an important part of the University community, with a key role to play in the University’s future development. Although a big part of university life ends upon graduation, alumni can still keep in touch with fellow classmates and take part in the life of the University through the activities of the Alumni Association.
Alumni Newsletters
Browse through recent issues of the Alumni Newsletters:
⇒ Issue 19 (PDF: 4.29 MB) -- Summer 2024
⇒ Issue 18 (PDF: 4.06 MB) -- Winter 2023-2024
⇒ Issue 17 (PDF: 2.83 MB) -- Summer 2023
⇒ Issue 16 (PDF: 2.34 MB) -- Winter 2022-2023
⇒ Issue 15 (PDF: 2.21 MB) -- Summer 2022
⇒ Issue 14 (PDF: 1.27 MB) -- Winter 2021-2022
⇒ Issue 13 (PDF: 1.47 MB) -- Summer 2021
⇒ Issue 12 (PDF: 1.94 MB) -- Winter 2020-2021
⇒ Issue 11 (PDF: 3.69 MB) -- Summer 2020
⇒ Issue 10 (PDF: 0.9 MB) -- Winter 2019
⇒ Issue 9 (PDF: 3.22 MB) -- Summer 2019
⇒ Issue 8 (PDF: 2.7 MB) -- Winter 2018
⇒ Issue 7 (PDF: 4.88 MB) -- Summer 2017
⇒ Issue 6 (PDF: 0.9 MB) -- Summer 2016
⇒ Issue 5 (PDF: 1.67 MB) -- Winter 2015
Alumni Portal
Alumni can find alumni news, photos, newsletters, job postings and other alumni-related documents and information on the alumni portal.
Alumni Benefits 
Members of the Alumni Association of Hellenic American University
enjoy the following benefits:
Lifelong borrowing privileges for the Library
- Use your Alumni Card to borrow material from the Library and gain access to the Library’s periodicals, databases and digital books
- The Library also offers an Inter Library Loan Service (ILL) through which alumni can request, free of charge, information resources (mainly journal articles) that are not held by the Hellenic American University Library.
Discounts on tuition fees for lifelong learning seminars
Alumni are entitled to discounts on professional seminars. Announcements of upcoming seminars are posted on the alumni portal. If you are interested in attending one, contact the Office of Alumni Affairs and book your participation (places are limited and offered on a first come-first served basis).
Free access to the services of the Career Development Office
Alumni can use the services of the Career Development Office free of charge. These include one-on-one career counselling sessions; help with writing a CV and mock interviews; job search tips; and information about job vacancies and internship opportunities. Alumni can also take part in career-related workshops the CDO organizes each year. The Office informs alumni/ae by email each time a workshop is to be offered.
Discounts on continuing professional education courses
A number of University courses will be available to alumni on a first-come, first-served basis. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be issued a certificate of attendance. Requests should be made through the Office of Alumni Affairs. You will be notified of available courses and registration procedures.