University Strategic Plan, 2022-2027

The University’s new Strategic Plan covers the period 2022-2027 and was approved by the Board of Trustees in June 2022.  The Plan is the product of extensive and broad discussions among all major stakeholder groups, beginning with deliberations within the Board itself and enriched with input from faculty and administration, and student input from the Town Hall Meetings held in 2021 and 2022. The elaboration of the plan was also informed by findings from institutional surveys and the University’s 3-year Strategic Enrollment Plan.

The Strategic Plan is elaborated around 4 pillars of development:

  1. Grow enrollment while improving academic cohesion and program quality
  2. Invest in technology to support academic instruction and student support services
  3. Improve student opportunities and campus climate throughout the University
  4. Strengthen financial performance to enhance long-term sustainability

Download the University Strategic Plan (PDF 2.5MB)

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