Faculty Mentors

Close mentoring Academic mentoring is an integral part of the Hellenic American University experience. When admitted to the University, students are assigned a faculty mentor (advisor), from their chosen discipline.

Students enroll in appropriate courses with counsel from their mentor (advisor). While faculty mentors have specific responsibilities, students also play an active part in the advising relationship. They are expected to initiate contact with their mentors, make final decisions about academic matters, and accept responsibility for the consequences of their decisions.

The faculty mentor works closely with the student to:

  • clarify, plan, and help develop the student’s educational and career goals
  • identify academic competencies that need to be acquired or enhanced
  • increase awareness of the full range of campus programs and services
  • recognize problems that might affect the student’s academic performance
  • refer students to the appropriate campus support services when needed
  • explore academic programs according to their personal development and career goals

The University places great emphasis on becoming autonomous, lifelong learners. Students are thus expected to take responsibility for and manage their own learning process, and to ask for assistance when needed.

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